The Evidence Is In: Our Two Care Components Are Proven Useful, Yet Again!

Hello Everyone. We’re back to blogging with progress to share. While the pandemic kept us sheltering-in-place, we persisted working virtually. The ongoing social reckoning is painful as are the much worse pandemic outcomes among historically marginalized communities. Yet these realities are motivating for improving health care for all through respect and cultural humility.

Here’s what’s been going on. With multiple colleagues we completed 3 peer-reviewed Open Access research papers (August 2020, December 2020, January 2022) on nurse-led proactive care management for Parkinson’s (CHAPS) (see our Blog October 30, 2019). Why is this exciting? Among the findings are:

  • evidence our two components were used in CHAPS as intended (August 2020, January 2022)!

    (1) whole person care was guided by the Siebens Domain Management Model, our four-domain organizing framework (I Medical/Surgical Issues, II Mental Status/Emotions/Coping, III Physical Function, and IV Living Environment) and

    (2) the self-care tool, Notebook for Wellbeing & Health Care (formerly Siebens Health Care Notebook) was personalized by nurse care managers and used by individuals with Parkinson’s.

  • findings of usefulness (usability) of the Siebens Domain Management Model (December 2020) based on nurse care manager surveys (themes were user-friendly, person/patient-centered, organized, and helpful for documentation) with additional supportive comments by Parkinson’s disease specialists.

  • evidence of self-care Notebook assets (benefits, features liked, and affirmative feelings) identified by individuals with Parkinson’s (December 2020). This adds to prior support for the Notebook by women after treatment for breast cancer (see Blog May 26, 2020).

  • findings of the Notebook’s usefulness (usability) from CHAPS nurse care manager surveys (themes were organized, user-friendly, person/patient-centered) and positive feedback from two Parkinson’s disease specialists (December 2020).

Initially the Siebens Domain Management Model was a practical conceptual model (2001) used by me in crazy hectic day-to-day patient care. Now it’s a proven clinical organizing framework in the real world (see publications 2013-2022). The framework contributes to resolving fragmented health care. It’s interdisciplinary and applicable to any individual or patient in any care setting. Everyone can be engaged, on a similar page, and contribute to addressing topics and solving problems.

Additionally, the self-care tool, the Notebook for Wellbeing & Health Care, revised based on our research, has evolved since 2001 into a beneficial niche process and product. It helps individuals manage their health care and, in the process, address issues that may affect their wellbeing and quality of life.

Soon our online store will feature the Notebook and an upcoming guide to care management in Parkinson’s, our contribution to the field of care management. Please feel free to call to brainstorm about your frustrations with complex care. We’ve been there, know how you feel, and have ideas and tools to help, backed by research and fellow nursing and clinician feedback. Thank you for reading this blog.

Hilary Siebens